Friday, May 7, 2010

Check it out!

Check out that picture! Fruit Loops. His first time. Crunch Crunch Crunch.
Wanted nothing to do with the banana. Yes, those are Coco Puffs.

What a day, what a day. I took the poor kids all over town today. Good reasons, not bad. Got to pick out the linoleum and carpet for the house. That was fun. Not for Evelyn and Jack. Had a play date with a friend and her kids. That was fun. Not for Jack. Signed the disclosures for the new house. That was fun. NOT.

Check out that picture. No, really! Seriously! Can you believe it? I tried and tried to get Jason's attention at the dinner table. His jaw dropped when he realized that Jack had the sippy in his mouth. He didn't really drink anything from it, just chewed. He did let me give him 'sips' though. I started to eat some dinner and next thing I know, Jack had the cup up to his mouth.

Can't wait to see what he does tomorrow!

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