Tuesday, December 14, 2010

mother-in-law wing

It's 1:23pm on Tuesday, December 14th. I am sitting with Jackson in a darkened room at Decatur Memorial Hospital, 3rd floor pediatrics. Jackson has been admitted.
Monday morning wasn't any better than Sunday night. Jackson visited his pediatrician in the morning and then Jason and I took Jack to outpatient ambulatory for IV fluids, and zofran (anti-nausea) and rosephen (antibiotic) through the IV. The IV bolus worked ok but didn't solve all of the problems. Jackson did get some color in his skin but continued to have a fever. Monday night wasn't any better. I tried to give Jackson medication through his g-tube but he vomited it up each time. (thanks grandma barb for picking evelyn up from school and for staying at the house so jason and i could get some sleep). I kept Jack off of all fluids over night because he continued to vomit. I wanted to rest and I know that he did to. Unfortunately, this led to more dehydration. I started the feeding pump this morning with new pedialyte at a very slow rate of 10ml/hr. He kept that in. I was also able to give Jackson some of his medications. We visited the pediatrician again this morning (evelyn is at school for the entire day, thank you St. Paul's) and she had Jackson admitted to Decatur Memorial Hospital because of dehydration. We are in a room and Jack is resting, hooked up to another IV, with fluids and glucose. His glucose is low again, more severe dehydration. There's talk of a possible transfer to St. Louis, but only if needed. If he can get all necessary care here, he will stay. It is very nice to know that I am so close to home. (thanks grandma star, who is on the road as i type this, coming down to help, once again. we need to build a mother-in-law wing).

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