Monday, January 27, 2014


If you don't follow me on facebook, I'm sure you're wondering how Jack is doing. I do tend to post quick updates there quite often, but this blog...this blog is my way of getting it all out! I mean ALL. Sometimes I share too much!

I'm happy to say that Jack came home from the hospital on Sunday morning. Saturday night was moving nice and smooth. He actually ended up losing his IV about 30 minutes after his antibiotic was given. The doctors decided to leave it out and see how the feedings went overnight. Thank goodness, everything worked out! We had tons of poop explosions (that's a good thing in Jack's book). He slept well until the nurse took his vitals at 4:15am. Once that happened, Jack was awake. The morning dragged on and on.

Jack is very happy to be home. He's been extremely grumpy but he's eating better than expected. I was able to give Jack 2/3 of his blended food for lunch. This surprised me quite a bit. I'm going to try to feed Jack two more times in hopes of getting all of the calories in. If it doesn't happen, it isn't the end of the world, as long as I can keep Jack hydrated. His belly needs to rest.

I do want to ask for positive thoughts and prayers to other CFC families. We have many sick children right now. As I type this, Jack's CFC sister, Katey, is awaiting a bed for admit because of pneumonia. Jack's CFC brother, Craig, keeps getting an elevated heart rate, low pulse ox, and was discovered to be anemic, again. Stephen is sick with a stomach bug. The lost goes on and on.

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