Sunday, September 15, 2013

Boom Chicka Boom Boom, Can I Hear Another Tune

[Disclaimer: Jack's hair is short. It is VERY short. This was not planned. Family and friends support Jack, hair or no hair.]

Illinois State University did it again!

Jackson and his family traveled to campus for "The Young Person with Disabilities Guide to the Orchestra" on Saturday, September 14th. This year's concert featured the ISU Orchestra. The description of the concert is as follows:
  • An adapted orchestra concert for children and adults with developmental, hearing, vision, physical disabilities and autism. All ages and their families are welcome to this free, inclusive and interactive concert.
Another description of the concert:
  • The Illinois State University Symphony Orchestra will present a concert for children and adults with cognitive, physical and behavioral exceptionalities. The Young Person with Disabilities Guide to the Orchestra concert will feature music by Benjamin Britten and narration by School of Theatre and Dance faculty member Kim Pereira. The interactive concert will give audience members a chance to make music along with the orchestra and will also feature a pre-concert "instrument petting zoo."
The Arrival
I checked us in and Jack was assigned a helper. The helper was a Special Education major who also happened to be a musician. At the check-in table we had a smorgasbord of shakers to choose from. We were delighted to learn that the instruments were not only to be played during the concert but also at home! I felt like we were at a buffet, or better yet, a farmer's market! Why? The baskets were filled with apples, bananas, oranges, ears of corn, carrots, grapes, and cucumbers, as well as ring shakers, mini rainstick shakers, and glow in the dark maracas. After sampling EVERYTHING, we assisted Jack in choosing a banana, orange, apple, the ear of corn that also included a drum stick that could hit the corn or rub against it, a ring shaker, and the mini rainstick. We couldn't forget the two other kids in our group. I didn't want them to feel left out. We proceeded to the "instrument petting zoo." The concert began a short while after.

"Instrument Petting Zoo"

Jack visited most instruments, including the violin (twice!), French horn, trumpet, tuba, trombone, clarinet, flute, bassoon, oboe, saxophone, and percussion. We skipped the viola, cello, double bass, and harp. Jack had the opportunity to make requests for his favorite songs. Any guesses? Yep! "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." He was very bossy!

The most awesome drums in the world! They make cool sounds and light up when hit with a rubber mallet! We need to get these for home!
I love how this picture turned out! Jack requested songs at each stop. He requested "If You're Happy and You Know It" for the trumpet. The best part? We had a group of 8 clapping at all the right places!

Of course we stopped by the drums!

We almost gave him two sticks! I can't imagine the fun that could have been had, or the injuries from flying drumsticks...

The concert was wonderful! The narrator spoke during the performance and introduced each instrument as the orchestra weaved in and out of melodious themes. Jack learned to say "bassoon" and he was mesmerized when the cellos played a lovely melody. His ears perked up when the flutes played, eyes opened wide when the trumpets sounded, and continuously told us about the violins.

Ready for the concert to begin.

Playing along with the orchestra!
Digging the music!

We have a television star!
Jack also made the news! The link below is a news spot, or whatever it's called. Here's a picture I grabbed of Jack as well! was his favorite part of the "instrument petting zoo!" Don't forget to check out the link.

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ISU Orchestra Performs for Disabled Youth

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