Friday, April 12, 2013

Talkity talkity talk

First, I must share that Katie is officially pulling-up. She's 8 1/2 months. We're going to get on Jack to work on pulling-up as well. He has tried multiple times to pull-up at the couch recently. I even tried to bribe him. He worked hard but never made it to his feet. We'll be working more and more each day.

Jack has grown. He hasn't been measured for a while but National Seating and Mobility came and 'grew' Jack's KidKart Xpress. He was practically hanging off the seat. Not very safe for bus transport...

Jack is talking up a storm. I feel like I keep saying this, but he is saying more and more. He has expanded his vocabulary to include some very important words: I, the, a, that, this, my.

Here are some amazing sentences!
I want my braces on.
School tomorrow?
I want bar-b-que chips.
See that?
That is a circle.
That is a heart.

Jack has even been answering some questions!  Huge improvement.

I don't really know if I should say this, but I would rather have a Jack that can communicate and have a general understanding of the world than a Jack that could walk but not participate in his world.

Please send out thoughts and prayers for the CFC Syndrome population.  There are several children struggling with illness or other complications.

1 comment:

Molly and Mark Carlson said...

I love to read about Jack's sentences!