Tuesday, April 16, 2013

More Talkity Talkity

This morning, Jack kept putting Matlock on TV. I'm not really sure if he was just pressing the number '9' or if he intentionally kept returning to that channel!

At this very moment, Jack is putting block after block in his shirt. He giggles with each block!

*More sentences from Jack:

To Jason: "Daddy haircut. Mommy scissors."

To me: "Taste hand." (Jack grabs my arm at the table and licks and kisses it. He then pushes my arm on his cheek). "I love you."

As I'm throwing trash away, Jack tries to throw his Mickey Mouse bib in the can (He sits right next to the trash can). I tell him we don't throw away his bib and I proceed to put it in the laundry room.  Jack then says, "Goodbye bib. Goodbye Mickey Mouse." Then he starts to sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song (in his own way).

I'm cleaning up toys and Jack is continuously asking for a Spongebob book. I'm still cleaning and he decides to say, "Bad girl. Spongebob book, please."

I'm feeding Katie and Jack is eating milk with his pump.  "Chocolate. Easter Bunny, chocolate. Mmmm."

Jack reaches up and pulls my hair and says, "ouch."

Jack reaches up, puts his hand on my neck and pulls me close. He hugs me tight and says, "I love you."

Jack grabs my chin and turns my head so I'm looking at him and says, "Hi, mommy." He then touches my glasses and says, "Glasses." If I'm wearing contacts he says, "No glasses."

He also likes to talk about poop and asks if different people, or things, poop. He also says that certain people are stinky!

Watch "Jack sings" on YouTube

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