Monday, March 18, 2013

The plumber got the clog

Jack's bowels have been moving well for 6 days now. We stopped the Clonidine and replaced it with Melatonin and added Erythromycin to Jack's medicine diet. Here's the problem. The melatonin doesn't really help Jack sleep. He wakes twice with horrible screaming fits.  He didn't poop yesterday either so when I started the Clonidine back up with a good dose of Lactulose as well as the continued erythromycin, I hoped he would pass out but instead he ended up crying most of the night. He's pooped three times so far today. That explains the crying and very loud screaming.  I don't know where to go from here. I guess I need to make a call in to neuro. He didn't have fits with clonidine when he pooped and he was pooping well with melatonin but having fits. Ugh...

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