Thursday, June 10, 2010


So we had this AMAZING crew of family that helped with our painting and move over the weekend! THANKS! We couldn't have done it without you! And then, Tuesday evening, I got hit on the back of my head with two VERY THICK AND HEAVY closet doors. I don't know how it happened, or even what I was doing when it happened, but Jason ran me to the emergency room shortly after. I didn't get knocked out, thank God, but what a scare. All I remember is hearing this scream and thinking,"oh my goodness, who's screaming like that? Oh. It's me!" I also remember this odd movement-like sensation inside of my head. I sort of remember sitting on the floor by the bed in my room, and then just flashes of events here and there until the CAT Scan in the ER. I have a mild concussion, which I find odd. I got hit on the back of my head but had terrible pressure at the front of my head. I couldn't see straight with my glasses, was very sleepy but couldn't sleep well, and couldn't walk around well. Even sitting upright was a problem. I am much better today but still feel odd if I work too much. There are still times when I can't see straight. I also seem to have moments when I can't think 'right'. I don't like this. Never get hit on the head by solid closet doors.
Jack, on the other hand, is adjusting to the new house just fine. I hope to have some pictures once we get everything straightened. He's had some moments where he just can't be calmed. My mom has been here for more than a week now and has been such a help. She's been fully trained on Jack and his feeding pump. Jack gladly accepts my mom if I'm not around. Phew. Thanks Mom!

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