Friday, April 30, 2010

Jack, where are you?

Ok. Where is my child! First. . .I shut his food off at 3am. He didn't wake up until 9:30am! And he was happy! He usually wakes up screaming. Nope, he was smiling and playing. I took him straight to his highchair after I changed his diaper. I placed Cheerios on the tray and brought out some new baby food I bought at the store.

That's right! See that picture? Jack opened his mouth for the food, only a small amount each time, but he opened his mouth like 5 different times!
He even swallowed it, along with the Cheerios! He actually ate the food! Only one sample of juice this morning, but I am in no way complaining.

I'm not sure what else to expect, but anything else that happens today will be a blessing.

Oh, and we are no longer moving into Jason's school district, but we are moving into a new home on the north side of Decatur. We'll be moving within the next 4 weeks!

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