Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

happy Halloween!
I took the kids to the annual trick or treat at the mall. It's indoors, simple, and friendly! Jack was hilarious! He was laughing, squealing, and yelling at the diffent costumes! Evelyn was shy, as usual, but added to her candy stash we obtained at our church's Trunk or Treat.

What I wanted to share was the odd memories I have from past Halloweens.

2008- I was pregnant with Jackson. Evelyn just turned 2 in July. She dressed up as a butterfly. I recently found out that Jack might have some sort of syndrome. I was traveling to Springfield twice a month for level 2 ultrasounds. I was already having a lot of pain while walking. I remember walking in the mall, trick or treating, with Evelyn and Jason. My back was hurting and I was having a lot of pelvic pain and had to rest several times. I was only 25 weeks pregnant but looked about 30 weeks.
2009- jack had his helmet to shape his head. We put Halloween stickers on it. He was a ghost and Evelyn was Spiderman!
2010- we went trick or treating at the mall on the 30th after attending a party for a friend. Jack started vomiting at the mall. It didn't stop all night and Halloween morning we took him to the local ER. The hospital deemed Jack severely dehydrated and contacted St. Louis where the old GI doctor was. jack was transferred to St. Louis via ambulance and stayed in the hospital for 4 days. A diagnosis was never determined.
2011- wow! No health issues. We travelled to GI in Springfield for a follow-up and had a great appointment! Obviously, jack was Spongebob! Evelyn changed her costume...again. Last week at the BabyTALK event she was Rapunzel. Saturday at the Trunk or Treat she was a princess. Yesterday she was a different princess. Thank goodness the costumes were all part of her dress-up trunk.

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