This post may take a while to get through. Of course, this is only if you choose to do so. Many wonderful things have happened lately, and I want to share so much!
Below is a video of Jackson on his ride-on toy! Last night (Tuesday) he learned how to move on it! He was giggling hysterically the first time. Shortly after, he already has it down!
Of course, Jackson moves backwards, but how many kids learn to move forwards first?!
On Monday afternoon, Jackson met his new feeding therapist (#3). We had a wonderful consult! Miss Cheri wore a stethoscope around her neck the entire time. This was to show Jackson that, even though she was wearing one, she was friendly. We talked about Jack's eating history, likes and dislikes, his sensory processing disorder (SPD), and what has been tried in the past. To make a LONG story short, Jack will start with feeding therapy, every two weeks, on Monday, January 24th. I am to bring pixie sticks or fun dip sticks to the first session. We will start with 2-3 sugar granules on Jack's lips. A song will accompany so he understands that it is coming. We don't want any surprises around his mouth. Jackson has a guard that he won't let down with ease. This feeding therapist is the one I mentioned, way back when, who has SPD as well. Below is a link to her blog, with a very well-written description of a day in the life of SPD.
I also have a link from her blog describing feeding therapy processes.
Cheri has written books about her Food Chaining process with Jack's nutritionist.
I have a very positive outlook!
Laura's peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Effective Treatment for Feeding
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