Hi there. These bottles you are looking at are a new way we are trying to teach Jackson how to taste and maybe even swallow. The bottle is very special. It has a controlled flow ranging from 0-5, 5 being the rate of a normal stage 1 bottle nipple. There is a straw inside of the nipple which keeps the flow very slow. The plan is to give Jack the empty bottle so he can dip the nipple in different sauces and foods. We would like to be able to put sauces and dressings inside of the bottle to teach a suck pattern. It's all experimental but we have high hopes, as usual.
This here is a standing frame. This is the one that Jack will get. We had a meeting this morning at school to talk about ordering a stander and this was the one recommended. I know it looks scary. I assure you it isn't. Just today, Jack was in his stander at school and loved every minute!