Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For your education...

Pershing Early Learning Center 2012

Syringes for medication. I order these 2-3 times a year because insurance doesn't cover the cost.
Getting ready to make Jack's CoQ10. The liquid version is super expensive and would only last for 2 days each. Insurance doesn't cover this medication because it's OTC.

The finished product. This will last for 12 days.

This cabinet is in Jack's room. It contains his medical binders (his medical records), Early Intervention, preschool, and therapy files (IFSP and IEP), mileage binder (all paperwork for mileage I claim for taking Jack to out of town appointments), and some extra medical supplies.

60cc syringes, g-tube extensions, and Surgilube for when the g-tube comes out.

The Moog Infinity Enteralite 500ml Feed Bags. We get one box of 30 each month through our DME (durable medical equipment).

That stack of blankets are the hospital blankets we use for when Jack vomits. The blue bins contain diapers, more 60cc syringes, and bags for Jack's never-ending poop!

I had to add this picture because it's so silly! Jack is sitting on a baby doll carseat trying to buckle up. He was saying, "baby carseat. Buckle up."

Gastric Relief System Farrell Bags. We use these bags every night to help Jack's belly.

Medication for a two night's stay out of town. CoQ10 (muscle deficiency), Claritin (snotty nose), Lactulose (poopy problems), Prevacid (reflux), and Cytra-K (kidney chemistry).

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